Media Credentials

    Media Credentials

    Media (News & Photographers) credentials must be requested 5 days prior to event.

    The media request must be submitted by authorized personnel of the publication, station and/or internet source planning to cover the event (Editor, publisher, station manager, or other executive) and must be a bona fide employee of the publication, station or website.

    If requesting media credentials, the publication and/or internet source must promote pre-race coverage of the event and publish post-race coverage.

    Live streaming via social media, media audio, video or internet websites during the race event is not permitted.

    Photographers are allowed in the infield but must have a reflective vest, pants and closed toed shoes and follow the rules and regulations of the track.

    Media is to sign in at the pit gate. Please note: a media credential request must have been submitted and approved for your name to be on the pit gate list. If the credential was not submitted and approved, credentials will not be granted.

    In victory lane, please allow our speedway’s photographer to take the photos first. This enables them to take their photos and quickly move to the next podium finisher to ensure victory lane runs smoothly without delays. We also ask all media to take their photos as quickly as possible and only the winner. Group photos of the winner and their team are permissible as long as it is done in a timely fashion.

    The track photographer is the only one with rights to reproduce for sales or release photos for free representing RaceDay Production Tracks. If a guest photographer is found to be selling photos or giving away photos, they will be prohibited from entering the track with a media credential and taking photos.

    If you publish photos online through a website or social media, we ask that you protect them or watermark them so they are not able to be printed and/or reproduced.NO SMUGMUG or online gallery sales.

    At any time that the management feels the credential holder is abusing the privilege of credentials be granted, not following the guidelines and/or not representing the media affiliation in a professional manner, the credentials will be revoked.

    We thank you for your cooperation and once again thank you for your coverage.

    To request credentials please email:

    Credentials are only approved by the owners and management of Hudson Speedway

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